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CEO & Senior Management

Board of Directors

Peter McVerry Trust’s Board of Directors are as follows:

  • Peter McVerry SJ – Founder
  • Gilbert Little (appointed May 2022)
  • Patricia Bourke (re-appointed June 2022)
  • Ciara O’Sullivan (appointed May 2017)
  • Liam Connellan Jr (appointed January 2023)
  • Aidan Connaughton (appointed November 2024)
  • Kathleen McCann ( appointed January 2025)
  • Nessan Vaughan ( appointed January 2025 )

CEO and Senior Management

Niall Mulligan CEO, Peter McVerry Trust

Niall Mulligan joined Peter McVerry Trust in April 2024, previously serving as the National Secretary of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Niall has worked within the charity sector in both the UK and Ireland since 1990, specifically in the areas of addiction, justice, homelessness, HIV & sexual health, suicide prevention, and poverty. He has held senior management positions in some of Ireland’s leading charities including the Simon Communities of Ireland, HIV Ireland, Samaritans Ireland, and most recently The Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

Niall has demonstrated a strong track record relevant to the Ethos, Values and work of Peter McVerry Trust including a clear commitment to human rights and social justice.

Tanya Blyth, Director of Child and Family Services

Tanya was appointed Deputy Director of Services in November 2017, having been Head of Services since April 2015 and Deputy Head of Services since April 2013.

Tanya has a degree in Social Science and a postgraduate Diploma in Play Therapy and has been involved in the Community and Voluntary Sector since 1992 and has worked in Under 18s Residential Services since 1998.

Bernie Keigher, Director of Homeless Services and Housing First – Criminal Justice

Bernie joined Peter McVerry Trust in 2006 as a Project Worker and has worked across multiple areas within Peter McVerry Trust as a Team Leader including adult homeless services, Young People services, Housing First and TRAIL. In 2018 she was appointed to Head of North City Region Homeless Services.

In February 2021, Bernie was appointed to Director of Homeless Services and Housing First Criminal Justice. She is responsible for homeless services across Leinster and the Criminal Justice strand of the Peter McVerry Trust Housing First programme. Bernie holds a diploma in Community and Youth Work, a diploma in Social Care, BA in Social Care and a MSc in Criminology.

Brendan McGinley, Director of Assets & Facilities

Brendan joined Peter McVerry Trust as Director of Assets & Facilites in August 2023. Brendan has over 23 years’ experience working in the property and housing sectors. Over the past 14 years Brendan has worked in asset management roles in Clúid Housing and North and East Housing Association.

Brendan holds a Master of Science in Planning and Development, an Honours degree in Building Surveying and a level 8 qualification in Transformative Leadership. Brendan is a member of the Society of Chartered Surveyors of Ireland (MSCSI) and the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. (MRICS)

Noelle Woods, Director of Nursing, Addiction and Housing First Dublin Services

Noelle was appointed Director of Nursing and Addiction in February 2021. In early 2023, Housing First – Dublin was added to her Directorate. Noelle oversees multiple multi-disciplinary teams responsible for delivering Peter McVerry Trust’s nursing, addiction and Housing First services. Noelle joined the organisation in October 2013 as a staff nurse, progressing to Head of Nursing and Addiction services in 2019.

Noelle holds a BSc in Psychiatric Nursing, diploma in Addiction Studies, certificate in Effective Management of Homeless Services certificate in Recognising and Responding to Domestic Abuse and is currently completing a MSc in Health and Social Inclusion. She is a Registered Nurse Prescriber with RCSI and is qualified to provide training on the ‘Administration of Naxolone’ and ‘Mental Health First Aid’.

Deirdre Rossiter, Director of Human Resources and Services

Deirdre was appointed Director of HR in February 2021. She joined the organisation in 2007 and held many Frontline Management roles across a wide range of services before joining the Senior Management Team in 2015 as Deputy Head of Housing and Homelessness. In 2017 she was appointed Deputy Director of Housing and Homelessness, and in 2018 added HR to her brief.

She previously worked for ten years in the Community and Voluntary sector and managed projects in the community with Blanchardstown Area Partnership. She represented BAP on many Boards of Management in the community, including Youth, Education, Traveller Support, and Community Enterprise.

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