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Residential Services
Under 18s

Peter McVerry Trust currently provides residential services for up to 18 young people under the age of 18 across six locations in the Dublin area.

The Registration & Inspection Service with the Child and Family Agency is a national service with the responsibility to inspect and register non-statutory children’s residential centres. Each service is registered and inspected by Tusla Registration and Inspection Services.

The services currently provided by Peter McVerry Trust are as follows:

  • PMVT U18 Residential Service- Tabor
  • PMVT U18 Residential Service – Balcurris
  • PMVT U18 Residential Service – Belvedere
  • PMVT U18 Residential Service – Avoca
  • PMVT U18 Residential Service- Maysal Lodge
  • PMVT U18 Residential Service – Whitworth Road

These services cater for young people, male and female, from 12 to 18 years of age, and take all referrals directly from Tusla.

Prior to admission, each young person is provided with the opportunity for an induction process to provide a smooth transition into their new living environment, and to facilitate the building of positive relationships with staff and other young people who are already resident.  The services offer a highly individualised developmental programme that supports each young person’s progression towards adulthood and endeavours to equip them with the necessary skills needed for positive self-care, independent living and social integration.

Two of the services have an adjacent semi-independent unit to which young people can progress to on turning 18 so that they do not experience a complete rupture in the relationships developed within the service and yet are challenged to take increasing responsibility for their own development and independence.  One of the services is aimed specifically at preparing young people for moving on to independent accommodation. Through continued support by the U18s services and Peter McVerry Trust Housing with Supports Service, former U18s residents are assisted in making the full transition to independent living.


​Overview of Maysal Lodge service

​Peter McVerry Trust Under 18s – Maysal Lodge is a short-term residential care centre located in North County Dublin, based on an acre of land.  The centre was first opened in 2014 and re-purposed in 2021.  The centre offers strengths’ based, trauma and attachment-informed care to each young person referred, guided by the Well Tree Model of Care.


PMVT U18’s Residential Service – Whitworth Road

​Peter McVerry Trust Under 18s Residential Service – Whitworth Road provides an immediate short-term residential accommodation placement to 4 young people for up to 3 months.  Young people are aged 12-17 years old and are referred through the Separated Children’s social work team. During this short-term placement, PMVT Under 18s – Whitworth Road will work with the social work team to assess the young person’s needs and support appropriate onwards planning. The placement will provide the young person with a safe and supported place to stay during this time and support the young person to begin the process of integration into the community.


PMVT U18’s Residential Service – Avoca

​Peter McVerry Trust Under 18s Residential Service – Avoca was established in March 2014. The service was relocated to another area in the north city of Dublin in 2021. A strengths’ based programme is in place, the aim of this programme is to support the young person to develop confidence and self-esteem through individualised programmes.

Youth Aftercare Housing

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