Online donations
The simplest way to donate to us is online. Simply click here to visit our donation page.
Telephone donations
To donate over the phone, please call +353(0)1 823 0776 and our fundraising team will process your donation.
Postal donations
You can send a cheque, bank draft or postal order payable to Peter McVerry Trust to:
29 Mountjoy Square, Dublin 1, D01 C2N4 (we strongly advise against sending cash in the post).
Regular Giving
By making a regular gift to Peter McVerry Trust, your generosity ensures that we are able to plan projects on a long term basis. The amount you donate is up to you and will make a difference to the lives of people impacted by homelessness. Donations of €21 per month qualify for the Revenue Tax Reclaim scheme, and can be worth an additional 31% to Peter McVerry Trust at no additional cost to you the donor.
Donate by Direct Debit
You can set up your direct debit today via our website, or if your account requires more than one signature, you can request a direct debit mandate from our fundraising office. Call +353 (0)1 823 0776 or email us today. Direct debits are processed on the 7th of each month, or the next business day.
Donate by Card
You can set up a regular donation which will be debited at a frequency that suits you via your credit or debit card. Select the “Give Monthly” option when you visit the Donate section on our website. You can amend the amount and the frequency of your gift whenever you wish.