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9am – 5pm
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Corporate Giving

The support of the business community in Ireland is a cornerstone of our fundraising each year, providing vital funds to maintain our services. Understand the impact of your support, and find out about the different ways your company can give.

Please contact our fundraising office on 01 823 0776 or email for more details on how your donation can help make a difference.


Understanding the impact of your support

€125: new bedding and soft furnishings for a new home

€500: 3 months of 24 hours support to a vulnerable person who has moved into a home of their own

€1,000: 300 meals in our homeless services

€2,500: Support young people to achieve Junior or Leaving Cert qualifications, or access a suitable education programme

€5,000: Equip people with essential items needed for a new home such as furniture, soft furnishings and cupboard staples ensuring comfort and safety in their new home

€8,000: furnish an empty apartment and give someone a key to their own front door

€10,000: furnish an entire apartment to provide someone with keys to their new home & provide vital visiting support for 6 months to ensure they can stay there and retain their tenancy

Contact our fundraising department on (01) 823 0776 or by emailing  to learn more about corporate giving.

Should you wish to make a donation, we would be happy to provide you with bank or payee details as required.


Ways to give:


Cause Related Marketing

Use the strength of your brand to make a real and lasting impact on the lives of those experiencing homelessness by donating a percentage of product sales or teaming up on a marketing initiative to support a particular aspect of our services.

Team Fundraising

A table quiz, skills auction, office bake-off, static bike race, or a summer barbeque, are some of the many ways that your company or teams can fundraise for Peter McVerry Trust. If organising your own event doesn’t suit you, take on one of Peter McVerry Trust’s Challenge Events.

Matched Company Funding

Support your employee efforts and match the amount raised by employees and show your solidarity with your teams and commitment to the cause.

Give As You Earn

Regular payroll donations enable you to make a real and lasting impact on the lives of people experiencing homelessness.

Encourage your team and colleagues to sign up together and see the difference that can be made in a year.

"The ‘People Giving Scheme’ provides PwC with an easy way to donate. PwC has been running this scheme for over 10 years and has raised more than €600,000 for over 30 charities. We know that this support provided by our people will have a positive impact on the important work of these organisations. At PwC we are committed to playing an active part in the communities around us and this is one of the many ways in which our people do just that."
Partner Testimonial - Mary McCluskey, PwC.
Our Homeless Services

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