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Launch of Rural Mobile Mental Health Unit

New mental health charity, the Reuven Field Foundation, officially launched last night in Dublin, aims to tackle disadvantage caused by decades of underfunding in Ireland’s mental health services.

The charity will fundraise through events and channel funds to chosen partners providing services for the people who are in the most need of help.

Last night, founder Scott Field, unveiled the Foundation’s first project – to fund Ireland’s first Rural Mobile Mental Health Unit. Delivered in partnership with Peter McVerry Trust, the unit will provide care to people at risk of homelessness in areas that don’t have transport links to key services.

Scott Field, founder of the Reuven Field Foundation, said, “Ireland is unfortunately in the dark ages when it comes to the level of funding channelled to mental health services. Less than 6% of the annual health budget goes towards mental health. The World Health Organisation recommends a minimum of 12%, and the UK invests 15%. The knock-on effect of this lack of investment is huge – in terms of costs to the state as well as trauma for individuals, families and local communities.

“Homelessness, addiction, domestic violence, anti-social behaviour, self-harm and suicide – the list is long. Mental healthcare workers are at breaking point and this needs to be addressed.”

Fr Peter McVerry, founder of Peter McVerry Trust, said, “The exit out of homelessness is getting harder and harder – the options for leaving are fewer and fewer. We’re also still dealing with the fall out of Covid-19. So, we’re seeing a big increase in people impacted by homelessness who are presenting with mental health problems.

“If you live in the countryside, mental health services are often inaccessible. With this new project, the services will come to the people who need it the most. It will not only make their lives easier but it will make their lives more hopeful.”

Read more at or follow the foundation on social media to be kept up to date on fundraising events and how to volunteer.