A Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use has been established to consider the legislative, policy and operational changes Ireland could make to significantly reduce the harmful impacts of illicit drugs on individuals, families, communities and wider Irish society.
Our submission to the Citizens’ Assembly outlines the addiction and recovery services Peter McVerry Trust delivers and the learnings that have arisen from working directly with participants. Our submission features input from senior management responsible for the delivery of those services, participants accessing the services and Peer Support colleagues working with those most vulnerable in our Housing First services.
After 40 years of working on the frontline, Peter McVerry Trust believes that the State’s continued approach to drug use as a primarily criminal justice issue is ineffective and fails individuals, communities and wider society. It is our belief that this issue should be viewed as health matter first and foremost, and that there is a move to decriminalise drugs for personal use.
Read our full Submission to the Citizens’ Assembly on Drugs Use.