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Since October 2019, Wayne has been living in one of Peter McVerry Trust’s apartments in Drogheda, Co. Louth and is supported by our Housing With Supports team in the area.

Both during and after completing his studies in Dublin, Wayne managed an allotment in Louth where he grew his own fruit and vegetables. This meant he was travelling to and from the city every day, all the while maintaining his produce.

“Two years ago I got in touch with Peter McVerry Trust. I was studying in Dublin and had been looking for my own place for a couple of years. I found the number for Peter McVerry Trust and have them a call,” said Wayne.

“I was happy enough because one of the staff came to see me where I was studying in Dublin and told me they’d try and find me a place because they knew I was studying in Dublin but living in Drogheda in a B&B,” he added.

Now that he has moved out of the shared spaces of B&Bs and hostels, Wayne enjoys cooking his own meals and having more autonomy over how he spends his time during the day.

“In the B&B you had to be up and out for 9.30. You couldn’t bring friends back to a B&B because it’s not allowed. Once you have your own place you can bring people whenever you want,” Wayne said.

“There wasn’t really a kitchen in the B&B, not like I have here. It was much tighter for space and you’d be going in and there would be someone else already in there. Now I have my own place it’s nice to cook for myself. I’ve cooked that lasagne over there, that’s for later!”, Wayne continued.

As part of our Housing With Supports work, the team in Drogheda helped Wayne move into his new apartment and are on-hand to assist with anythig he may eed throughout his tenancy with Peter McVerry Trust.

“The staff took the time to read over the contracts with me and made it clear that if I ever needed anything I could contact them and at the weekend there was an out-of-hours number for support, too. They come and check in to see how you are, and that’s good” Wayne said.

“There was once I locked myself out. I was going out to the shop and left the keys in the apartment. I had to phone the team, but it was a very quick response I got from them and within one hour they were down,” he added.

With a home to call his own, Wayne has the security and platform to think of the future and expand his education – something which he has considered since getting the keys to his apartment.

“I’ve been in touch with a Further Education Institute in the town. They have advised me that if I wanted to learn more about using a computer they can show me. Because I’ve studied gardening, I know I might need training in using a computer or other technology,” he concluded.

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